Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Picture this. Watch Malcolm In The Middle on two channels simultaneously. Why'd they choose to broadcast it at the same time. Twice the confusion I guess.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A piece I had previously written I'm placing back online, though on this blog instead of the MSN Space. One day I'll look back at it and smile at the age of innocence gone by.


In a searing instant you abruptly arrive

My cadence caught totally by surprise

The thoughts provoked by your presence

Struck by your force I’m aberrantly shaken

Ostensively futile as it is I lower my gaze

Unwittingly and unwaveringly I falter

Left completely and utterly speechless

Your consonant sound muting all others

A distinct aura quite unlike a zephyr

With a tingling sensation swooping all over

That gust of warmth with a bittersweet aftertaste

As you precipitately subside I slowly suspire

Pondering on any substance to those feelings

Vexingly, I ensconce myself from your affects

Thursday, July 21, 2005

This blog really didn't go anywhere. I have gone over to msn spaces but am seriously thinking of returning here. Anyways the link to my active blog on msn is here.