Wednesday, February 20, 2008


My thoughts are in disarray

Emptiness I feel inside

Feeling so incomplete

Can’t you be by my side

Don’t you know how I feel

Are you going to walk away

Or be part of my life

Sunday, February 17, 2008

IT does matter!

Saw a blog entry related to an article that we're debating in our Information Systems course. A very controversial paper that tries to discredit the importance of IT in companies. Causing many owners and CEO's of companies to think twice about investing in IT. The following blog aims to allay those fears.

Does IT matter? by ZDNet's Richard Stiennon -- As someone who has been accused of publicity seeking through grand pronouncements I can understand the motivation behind Nicholas Carr’s 2003 article in Harvard Business Review: “IT Doesn’t Matter”. His main thesis is: For a brief period, as they are being built into the infrastructure of commerce, [...]